Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK) was established in the year 1993 as a non-governmental development organization under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Khandaker Alamgir Hossain along with some dedicated social activists. The organization obtained registration from the Department of Social Services, NGO Affairs Bureau, Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA), Directorate of Health Services, Directorate of Family Planning and a partner of Bangladesh Bank and PKSF. As a pro-poor & char friendly organization, GUK has been working in the field of primary health care, eye care service through GUK Eye Hospital, non-formal primary education, family planning, women empowerment, skill development through training, adolescent reproductive health care, climate resilient activities, disaster preparedness, emergency response, rescue & rehabilitation, sustainable agriculture development through diversified crop production practices, sub-sector development, VGD under social safety net, school feeding, program, education stipend, livelihood development of elderly people, beggar rehabilitation, activities under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and create employment opportunities to alleviate poverty by implementing agriculture, livestock & fisheries, activities, small trade & business and microenterprise through microfinance program. So far GUK has covered 8 divisions, 58 districts and 320 Upazilas enrolling6,50,380 households by setting up 530 Offices including Branches, Areas, Zones, Regions and Project Offices engaging 5,560 staffs. The organization is planning to expand the activities in uncovered remote areas for inclusion of poor people in the mainstream of development leveraging financial and technical support from government and donor agencies.